Principal's Message
Welcome to Fesler Junior High School. We are immersed in a rich learning environment and surrounded by talented professionals. Our staff is committed to meeting the needs of all students. We provide a rigorous academic program in a supportive, compassionate environment.
Santa Maria Bonita School District the mission statement is:
“We are here to prepare children to be successful.” The staff is dedicated and will work hard to ensure your child receives a strong educational experience. Fesler Junior High teachers will foster literacy, promote an understanding for mathematics; explore the world of science and social studies, while integrating technology into the learning process. Parent involvement is important and your child will have a better school experience if you know what is going on at school. All teachers need your help to ensure students succeed, so please make sure you participate in your child’s educational journey and keep up with the activities and educational opportunities at Fesler Junior High School.
Here are some helpful ideas:
1. Meet your child’s teachers and administrators.
2. VOLUNTEER to help out at school whenever possible.
3. Familiarize yourself and your child with the student agenda, which includes
school rules such as dress codes, conduct, attendance, etc.
Please don’t hesitate to come by or call if you have questions regarding your child’s education.
Fesler Junior High School
(805) 361-7880